Sunday, March 13, 2011

6 Months Already!

It is hard to believe that 6 months ago we welcomed this little peanut into the world! She is getting really fun and entertaining us all the time! Blayne is officially sleeping through the night in her own crib which has been nice, but mom still checks on her quite a few times a night! She is eating some baby food and seems to like it pretty well, she's now rolling over like crazy from her back to front and all over the place...its pretty funny to watch :) It is just so much fun to watch her grow and hit more of her little milestones all the time. She is still a little peanut but growing more every day...she weighs close to 13 pounds right now, still pretty tiny for a 6 monther!

As far as new things with the family...
We took a little trip to Long Beach with Nana & Papa Campbell, it was a fun two day getaway!  Blayne liked our walk on the boardwalk in the front pack where she could look around :)
Grandma & Grandpa Benoit also came down for a little visit! They were on babysitting duty so that Ry and and I could have a dinner date! 
Ryan's job is still going really well & he has been keeping very busy which is great! Blayne & I are still enjoying their days at home together! Things are going really great and we are loving every minute of miss Blayne :)

Blayne & her friend Ellie

Big Girl!

Love this sweet little face :)

Blayne & Daddy

Blayne & Mommy at the Ocean!

First time eating real food! Mmmm sweet potatoes!

First time in the snow, we had about 3 inches

Blayne talking to us, not totally sure what she is trying to say! :)

Crazy baby on the loose!


  1. Love the new blog Kay...she is getting SO big! I am loving her little talent show in the last video ;)

  2. Seriously laughed like crazy at the last video! So funny and adorable!
